Past Articles

Friday, 24 September 2010

Pitch Black (David Twohy, 2000)

Back when Pitch Black was made, Vin Diesel was billed as the next big action star. Seems maybe Jason Statham has earned that mantle but that's not to take things away from Vin, despite his career having gone a bit sideways as of late. Pitch Black, despite being a very tight and thrilling little sci-fi horror mish-mash, flows on the charisma of it's leading man. Vin makes the role of Riddick his own. It's a role he was born to play.

Director David Twohy, the man who wrote the excellent screenplay for The Fugitive, has faded into obscurity recently (helped in no part by the lackluster sequel The Chronicle of Riddick) but Pitch Black still remains endlessly watchable, despite my having seen it many, many times.

I was shocked when I realised it is now ten years old. Seems only recently I was sat watching it in the cinema.


1 comment:

  1. 'Fast & Furious' did $350 million worldwide. Vin is back BIGTIME.
