Past Articles

Monday 6 June 2011

Essay: The Human Centipede 2 Banned! A Rhetoric on Censorship.

Only just found out about this but felt I’d get a word in. Yes, those lovable people at the BBFC (the British Board of Film Classification) have rejected The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence), effectively banning release of the film in the UK.

Now censorship in the UK is something that has always fascinated me. Being a Brit, I have no qualms in saying that one of our nation’s favourite past-times is to create a moral shit storm. Apparently games like Modern Warfare 2 are turning our children into terrorists and the advent of video in the 80’s meant that uncensored videos were going to turn our children into depraved murderers. If you type “video nasty” into Google you get a whole plethora of pages dedicated to both educated and ill-informed/uneducated rhetoric on the subject. I, for one, despite having seen some films that have really pushed the boundaries of taste (I look at you Ichi: The Killer), have always been of the opinion that adults should be free to choose their own entertainment. For some it’s sitting down with the girls and watching the latest chick flick and for some it’s getting down with your sick side and enjoying movies such as Hostel or even the original Human Centipede. Different strokes for different folks right? If nastiness in movies or violent video games is not to your taste, the simple answer is stay away. I take great offense to most chick flicks yet this doesn’t mean I’ll campaign against as person’s right to see them. That’s the beauty of free will.

Since 1999 and the standing down of long running BBFC chairman, James Ferman, the Board have become far more liberal in their interpretation of what constitutes as harmful, seeing such masterpieces such as The Exorcist for what they are. They’ve even released Wes Craven’s Last House on the Left completely uncut, yet for all their liberalisation (I’m still quite surprised Kick-Ass was warranted a 15 certificate), the one subject that still agitates them is sexual violence.

You see, in Britain, there is the Obscene Publications Act (OPA), which, by definition “prohibits the publication of works that have a tendency to deprave or corrupt a significant proportion of those likely to see them”. This was a mighty banner for those moral conservative fuckwits that took offence to anything remotely lurid back in the 1980’s but the OPA is something of a double-edged sword. Think, for a moment, of a life without the OPA. There was an article written shortly after the release of Lars Von Trier’s Antichrist in which the writer concluded that the film ticked all the right box of what could be considered obscene (NOTE: It’s very unprofessional not to have a link to the source of the article but please take my word for it that this article does exist). Without the benefit of as objective a view as is possible on potentially harmful material, there is a good chance that those like the moral guardians of the 1980’s and like the journalist who wrote the anti Antichrist article would be in charge of deeming what is deemed obscene to the British public.

But it is also this objectivity that is ultimately the problem with the OPA. How does one conclude that a work has a tendency to deprave or corrupt a significant proportion of those likely to see it? When I saw Last House on the Left, I saw a particularly nasty film that was cheap and not particularly well made, but it was just a film none the less. Make believe. Not-fucking-real. Yet there were many that saw the film as despicable and having a legitimate chance to corrupt those that watched it. Can I say I was corrupted in anyway? Not at all, but I guess you’ll just have to take my word for it.

For the most part, the Board are adult enough to understand that entertainment is not likely to turn a perfectly normal citizen into a raving loony. I, for one, love horror films, I love seeing the boundaries pushed further and further and whilst there are times where I’ve been truly repulsed by what I’ve seen, at no point do I feel the need to murder the next person I see as I like to think I’m smart enough to ascertain the difference between the real world from escapist fiction, no matter how horrid the material.

In this day and age, it is extremely difficult to be so horrific as to warrant an outright rejection from the Board, but this has happened on a few works over the last couple of years. Whilst there have been those that were heavily cut (A Serbian Film was cut by over 4 minutes), to receive an outright ban, the work must be totally without any redeeming qualities. Before The Human Centipede 2, the most prolific case was the release of Manhunt 2 as, with the Wii version, the player was encouraged to use the Wii remote to instigate the violence onscreen. Whilst I do see the problematic side in this, how is one able to determine whether this will affect those playing the game? Those wanting to play Manhunt 2 will already be aware of the game’s content and I legitimately don’t see the difference in the level of violence between Manhunt 1 and Manhunt 2 apart from the aforementioned addition of the Wii remote. I also find both games desperately immature. Regardless of the moral outcry, Manhunt 2 was eventually awarded an 18 certificate, albeit with the killings all censored.

The issue the Board has with The Human Centipede 2, however, is the levels of sexual violence throughout the film. The basic premise sees a fan of the original film making his own human centipede for his own sexual gratification. I will admit this sounds truly disgusting, yet I also feel that, much like Hostel, which clearly revels in its nastiness, there seems to be a certain level of immaturity here. Whilst I had issues with the likes of A Serbian Film in its portrayal of sexual violence against children (the Newborn Porn scene really was a sickening exercise in depravity), there was also an obvious want from the filmmakers to be as shocking as possible. They succeeded, yet this obvious immaturity totally undermines any integrity the film may have (despite its nastiness, A Serbian Film is actually well made and acted) and therefore causes more cries of “grow up” than “BAN THIS SICK FILM”.

You just have to look at the teaser trailer for The Human Centipede 2 to realise this is exactly what the filmmakers are doing here, nothing more, nothing less. There is no film footage, only director Tom Six talking about his want to make the sickest film ever made. Whilst it does appear to have lived up to this hyperbole, how can you take it seriously? The BBFC’s reasoning’s for their decision detail two key moments, one where our protagonist masturbates using sandpaper and another where he viciously rapes a woman with barbed wire around his penis. I will admit, it’s hard to dispute that there’s anything but sexual sadism here, I just find it difficult to believe that it is really THAT repugnant in a film that is clearly meant to push the boundaries.

I am, however, making a lot of judgements here on a decision over a film I have not seen, which in fact is somewhat hypocritical considering this is what the moral guardians did in the video nasties era against movies they had never watched. I am, however, yet to see a film that I deemed too repugnant to warrant a total ban. That includes A Serbian Film.

It also begs the question: does banning a film not make you want to see it more? It’s the best form of marketing a film can possibly have.

Please comment below. I’d be happy to hear any opinions you might have.

Luke Allen

1 comment:

  1. It’s a real problem that the BBFC are imposing an outright ban on a film like ‘Full Sequence’.

    Whilst trying not to delve too deep into the messy debate about censorship, the impression I’m given from what I read is that they’re focusing solely on the explicit violence on screen (which, by all means, restrict to adult audiences), whilst totally ignoring the social commentary which (as I understand it) Tom Six dildos into every frame of his movie.

    This isn’t some snuff flick with no broader context, it sounds like Six has made a challenging, relevant work of art that pushes cinematic violence to its extreme limit in the quest to explore how audiences respond to onscreen sadism. The supposed ‘meta’ elements seem to play perfectly into that reading.

    I’m sure the ban delights the producers of the film, and I doubt it’ll prevent us from seeing it at some stage, but it’s still upsetting that the BBFC are so trigger-happy to prohibit us from seeing this!!!
