One downside to indulging in Tom Clancy is that I always feel like a middle aged dad when reading his work. Never the best thing for a man approaching 26, but having now read and enjoyed 3 of his books I can easily say I’m a fan. Whilst I still maintain that Jack Ryan is nowhere near as interesting a character as John Clark (the protagonist of Rainbow Six and Without Remorse), The Hunt for Red October is complex thrill ride featuring detailed scenes of characters talking the complexities of espionage and political motivations. It also helps that it’s tense in all the ways a decent thriller should be. Whilst the ins and outs of the politics involved do become overbearing at times, it’s pacing is impeccable for the most part, with the latter half barely giving room to breathe.
More mature than the likes of Rainbow Six and Without Remorse and at a brisk 544 pages, it never outstays its welcome.
Next up? The Cardinal of the Kremlin. Can’t wait.
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