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Friday, 1 October 2010

Volcano (Mick Jackson, 1997)

Before Roland Emmerich decided to throw every single disaster movie ever made into a blender and make 2012, disaster flicks usually focussed on one event and rung it for what it's worth. During the 90's there was a resurgence of shit getting owned and frequently featured multiple movies based around the same premise. Asteroid made Deep Impact and Armageddon and with the volcanic motif there was Dante's Peak and Volcano. With the former of both, Impact and Peak opted for the scientific route. Armageddon and Volcano went for spectacle.

I fondly remember seeing Volcano in the cinema at the age of 13. It delivered everything I wanted as an adolescent film fan. Did I care why lava was choosing to erupt in downtown LA? No. I just craved seeing mass destruction and things being engulfed by the unstoppable lava flow.

Some twelve years since, the flaws are now widely apparent and whilst I found myself laughing more at the ludicrousness of the scenario it wasn't any less fun. Emmerich's 2012 did too much. Volcano knows how a disaster film should be.


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