There are many that immediately write The Exorcist off as being cheap, laughable and, above all, not scary. Unsurprising for a film that is still billed as the scariest film of all time. I, however, found that this is a film that needs to be seen in a particular frame of mind. Those at an adolescent age will not get it and those looking for a cheap thrill ala Friday the 13th will be sorely disappointed. The Exorcist is a film made by adults for adults and whilst it’s a matter of opinion as to whether this is in fact the scariest movie of all time, what is presented here is not only a fine example of horror cinema but also one of the finest movies ever made.
One thing that struck me upon this viewing (my third) was that, despite being put on as a background movie during a Halloween party, for the most part, those in the room shut up and watched. 37 years after general release, it still has a raw power that has seldom been matched in the genre and even looking at one of the more innocuous scenes, it become apparent that every frame oozes atmosphere. It has full on moments that still shock (“You know what she did? Your cunting daughter?”) and to this day I find it difficult to sit through the Spider Walk sequence (director’s cut only). Everyone in the room paid attention and were thoroughly frightened.
There is nothing cheap or laughable about The Exorcist. It is tough, emotionally powerful and, above all, terrifying. Sit down one evening in a darkened room and a glass of wine and fall in love with horror cinema all over again.
The greatest film ever made.