If Big Fish tells us anything, it's that Tim Burton can make a commercially viable product that doesn't sell out and plays to all of his strengths. In fact, compared to the rest of his back catalogue, Big Fish is the most un-Burton Burton film to date. Gone is the gleeful darkness of the likes of Batman or Sleepy Hollow and in it's place we get heart-felt drama in the guise of a bigger than life family film.
It's something I would like to see Burton do more of as he shows that he has the ability to instil genuine uplifting emotion from a subject that is ultimately quite upsetting. The core relationship between Albert Finney and Billy Crudup is fascinating and whilst there will be those that'll well up during the finale, the journey there, as well as the satisfactory conclusion to a the father/son dynamic, leave you basking in a state of great joy and fulfilment.
Big Fish is the crowning achievement of a director that has made his name as being somewhat off kilter. It just goes to show that, when he wants to, Tim Burton can be more than just a one trick pony. Big Fish really is his finest film to date.
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