Past Articles

Thursday 14 April 2011

Film: Source Code (Duncan Jones, 2011)

Whilst not quite as involving as Duncan Jones' first film, Moon, Source Code boasts enough fascinating ideas to put most summer movies to shame. It also helps that said ideas are layered on top of some genuinely enthralling moments, as Gyllenahall pieces together the bombing of a train through living the last eight minutes of a passenger's life. Think Groundhog Day by way of hard science fiction.

On the back of this, Jones should now be given the budget to command a massive summer blockbuster. Much like Christopher Nolan before him, he is a man that focuses on the story and characters in a way that is both interesting and intelligent, whilst interspersing the narrative with tense confrontations and enjoyable set pieces. There is no reason to believe he wouldn't be able to pull of a movie in the same vein as Inception a few years down the line.

He should always make science fiction. He and the genre share a kinship that is rare these days.


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