Some reviews for Knowing have been retched, almost to the point where you suspected many jumped on the bandwagon so as not to look sympathetic to a film that is so universally hated. Having only just seen it, I feel I can honestly say, with as objective a standpoint as possible, that Knowing isn’t as bad as the masses say.
But it aint far off.
There is no reason to flat out hate this film in the same way as, say Transformers 2 or AvP: R. It’s inoffensive stuff at the end of the day, it’s only crime is somewhat insulting our intelligence. But seriously, at the scripting phase someone must have realised just how stupid the whole thing is. And that’s before we get to lacklustre pacing and shitty acting. Proyas really does need to be blamed for some of this. True, he didn’t write it, but even he has proven he can get better performances than this from lesser actors. Someone even shouts, in a hammy almost Simpsons-esque tone: “Think of the children, WE HAVE TO SAVE THE CHILDREN!” I laughed. Hard.
But just when you think the movie can’t get much worse, it takes a left turn that, despite being admirable in terms of just how fucking loopy it is, takes it deep into Ed Wood territory. I don’t care if it’s a spoiler but the reason for the numbers? It was a warning from aliens. Aliens, that for reasons that go unexplained, want to help us earthlings before the world gets destroyed. What! The! Fuck!
A stupid, boring, laughable, dull, ham-fisted, shitty cock guzzler of a film, Knowing is shit. Not so shit it’s good or shit-but-average-enough-to-merit-some-sympathy kind of shit, it’s just pure, unadulterated shit. It at least keeps to the strength of its convictions and the two disaster moments are fine but everything else just reeks of hammered shit.
Even the music was shit. Honestly, there is no need for the music to swell to an almighty crescendo when horse-face Nick Cage is doing something as boring as walking up the stairs.
Just terrible.
1.5/5 (Gets half a point for the disaster scenes)
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