Past Articles

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

The Lost World: Jurassic Park (Steven Spielberg, 1997)

To this day I am still shocked that The Lost World got away with a PG certificate. If any of the Jurassic Park movies are genuinely unsuitable for children under 12, it's this one.

Having not watched it since I was at least at University (so a minimum of four years ago), what struck me upon this viewing is how much more over the top it is compared to the others. Whereas the T-Rex attack in the original still manages to rack up horrific amounts of intensity (and brings back wonderful memories of being an 8 year old experiencing an almost transcendent level of fear), the two way attack on the trailer in this one seems almost silly. As does Goldblum's irritating daughter killing a Raptor by way of gymnastics. And the T-Rex rampage around San Diego during the climax, complete with fleeing Japanese businessmen.

The main problem I find is that the whole film reeks of an almost sadistic sense of humour. Much of the dino deaths take place off screen yet, despite most of the victims being bad people, we still hear them screaming in terror as the sounds of their demise are clearly heard, tearing flesh and all (don't even get me started on screen writer David Koepp's cameo as the unlucky bastard killed during the ending rampage. I still feel somewhat uncomfortable listening to his death cries as the T-Rex munches on him). Oh, and one man gets gleefully stomped on by the Rex, sticks to it's foot and is repeatedly trampled on. Nice.

Being 25 and, I like to think, somewhat more mature in my likes and dislikes when it come to family entertainment, I find that The Lost World grates more on me with time. I find there is little in the way of genuine fun here, something it's sequel managed to retain despite being deeply flawed. Call me an old fart, but with time, I have come to like this film less and less.


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