Past Articles

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Game: Crysis 2 (Crytek, 2011)

Before the release of Battlefield 3 this October, Crysis 2 takes the crown for being the best looking game out there. Never before has a game looked so polished or stunning, emphasising the fact that, for the moment at least, there is no need for a new generation of consoles.

Unfortunately, the visuals aren't everything. Allow me to be controversial: Duke Nukem Forever is a better game than Crysis 2. Whilst the Duke's latest outing suffers a whole heap of issues (iffy graphics, weak plot, misogynistic undertones), it's fun. It knows what it is and despite its protracted development cycle, it retains the jest like tone of its predecessor. Crysis 2, however, is dull. Really, really dull. So dull in fact that I grew angry at just how slow it was. Whilst other FPS's like the Call of Duty franchise have been accused of being too bombastic, they at least know that the action should be unrelenting. Crysis 2 takes such a measured pace that it spends much of its time crawling on all fours. Sure, include stealth elements, Homefront managed an entire level devoted to sneaking around a village with unbearably tense results yet Crysis 2 demands this of you through the entire game. Correct me if I'm wrong but for an action based FPS, that's the kiss of death.

In the end, Crysis 2 seldom gets the heart pumping and, aside from just how damn pretty it is, it's a definite failure. Rent it if your curious and marvel at its graphics but otherwise don't bother.


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