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Friday 1 July 2011

Film: Green Lantern (Martin Campbell, 2011)

I'm not as affiliated with the rest of D.C's back catalogue as their Marvel counterparts, but it seems that, after Nolan's stunning and moody Batman movies, much D.C's lower tier heroes will seem silly by comparison.

My beef with the Green Lantern is much in the same vein as Superman in that it's difficult to invest in a man with the powers of god at his fingertips. Ryan Reynolds, despite his usual charisma, come across more as a whiny little bitch than a full blown hero, spending much of his time moping about whilst complaining of his inability to quell his fear. Also, despite the threat of total global annihilation from an amorphous blob with a scary face, you begin to feel that the stakes aren't that high. Remember the disappointment in Superman Returns where the climax had Superman lifting a giant rock into space? The same lethargic "is that is?" reactions hits you here too.

I wouldn't say it's terrible, just that it affected me in the same way as Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stanger Tides. It's ok, mediocre, average, run of the mill and all other analogies for a film that strives for mediocrity and nothing more. It isn't soulless like many a summer blockbuster of late, it's just not overly interesting either.


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